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We are thankful to have you a part of the Sunshine Baptist Church family.The privilege of being a part of this Body of Christ is both a blessing and responsibility. Our Lord shed His blood to redeem us and this body. Saints through the years have been faithful and sacrificed to carry on as His church throughout the centuries until the end of the age. Let's us prayerfully endeavor to appreciate what we have, to not only enjoy and benefit from what God is doing through Sunshine Baptist but to faithfully do our part that we, our families, our community and those who come behind us might be blessed. Let us be:


  • diligent in our prayers for our pastoral staff and our church

  • faithful to all of the services, never "forsaking the assembling of ourselved together as the manner of some is..." (Heb. 10:25)

  • generous and consistent in our giving

  • committed in our worship and service

  • dynamic in our witness, doing our part as we go into all the world to share the gospel and invite others to the Savior and to His church

  • defined by our love, knowing that without it, nothing else really matters. More than anything else we will be known by the love of Christ manifested in our attitudes and actions!


Let us know if we can be of service to you! 

1 Corinthians 12:27 - Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Sunshine Baptist Church, All Rights Reserved.                                             632 Perkins Hill, Harlan, KY 40831                                1.606.909.4808,

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